Friday 21 January 2022


Following our get together at Lowes Farm Coffee Shop in July 2020 we arranged a pilot practice session at Byley Village Hall.  Due to the restrictions we had a rota as we were only allowed 6 people indoors.  This worked very well and we used the chimes instead of the bells.  We continued with this on a weekly basis until December but it was then curtailed due to a further lockdown.

Since we were all confined our resident arrangers produced 25 new pieces for the time when we could resume practising.

The next get together was in June 2021, again at the Coffee Shop, and we were able to arrange to re-commence our practices at Willowmere which happened on the 26th July.  

Luckily we were able to continue there and finished the year with a Christmas Celebration at Willowmere.  This was requested by the manager and involved the Rev. Liz Woode from St. Michael and All Angels Church and the bell ringers and was well received.  It involved prayers, readings and Christmas music on the bells, and singing carols with the help of a CD!  We even managed a new arrangement of "O Holy Night".

We are now looking forward to being able to take bookings for 2022